BETTER THAT WILL BE ONE AND THE SAME THING (excerpt) | Ana Guimarães, Tiago Veloso Dias | Installation | Two videos projection front by front | Curatorship Eduarda Neves | To surprise paths. Take them wandering, through their own force. It matters little if they are more scattered here and there. Paths are formed in the imaginary and in waiting, in stories and in darkness.
To move forward, move back, stay trapped in their uses. Suddenly. Paths never complete, but rather replete with incidents and permanently suspended. Unclassifiable. Without Topos - Atopos. So why keep searching in them for the whole life?
To invent oneself along the path. To let go. The terror of the abyss.
A few steps away as if very far. | Eduarda Neves | Collective Exhibition:
A ALGUNS PASSOS COMO SE ESTIVESSE MUITO LONGE | Palacete Viscondes de Balsemão, Porto 2017 |
Encontros da Imagem de Braga Festival programme, 2017 |
Curatorship by Eduarda Neves